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Play with the snowboard

Le carving

How to carve with angulation

In the movies, magazines, brochures and catalogs can always see a border, rushing on board, leaning under some impossible angle to the slope. He did not seem that hand - nose can touch the snow! Very nice, very impressive, and most importantly, very correctly. Carving turns are executed without the slightest hint of sliding motion only on edge, traces - ideal sliced ​​arc. This is the perfect turn, to which one must strive.

Nothing new in the implementation of such a turn not.

Смещение ЦТ при осущевстлении карвингового поворота

It's all the same transition from edge to edge , but executed clearer , faster and with greater amplitude . Typically , the transition from edge to edge extinguishes speed , carving also allows you to increase speed . Feels very close to swinging on a swing, when , giving them a boost in the right time and in the right direction , you can make a full rotation around the axis .

Speeds do not matter - the carving is possible at any speed, but the higher it is , the longer the arc movement itself , and the more time you have to make a decision , so at low speeds to study harder .

During the transition from edge to edge , try to lean left or right as much as possible , do not forget about loading the front foot . Do not be afraid to fall , because the carving , despite the high speeds , almost safe. The fact that the board rotates without slipping along the arc . The radius of such arc of a radius close to the side profile of the board and is 7.10 m or less .

To compensate for the considerable centrifugal forces involved in this , you have to bend inside the arc , and the higher speed and smaller turning radius , the greater must be the slope . The slope may be such that your lowest point , whether it's knee , hand or tailbone will be snow at a distance of 10-20 cm A fall from that height is not scary . Besides , leaning into the turn , you pull a bottom edge , lifting it above the snow , so that the " catch an edge " you can not at all desire.

Упражнение на отработку карвингового поворота

The hardest part - to feel the first arc , understand that the board is rolling without slipping on the edge . This can help in sound: if the board resets the tail goes into a skid , it begins to vibrate and rattle badly . At the same board edging rolls almost silently . And then everything is quite simple - picking up feet , unload the working edge and simultaneously carry the center of gravity on the other side of the board. It should be done quickly and smoothly , as if swaying above board . The higher the speed , the greater the amplitude . If done correctly , the transition from edge to edge will be in the air , the board will not even touch the snow plane.

Жёсткость доски определяет стиль катания бордёров

Unfortunately , carving not possible on any snowboarding . On a soft and wide freestyle board may get nothing. Arc , which should roll on this board, too small , and the centrifugal force that arises here , simply pushes the middle of the board , the board as it develops in the middle , it lacks the rigidity to withstand such a large load. In addition, wide plank harder to shift from edge to edge .

Freeride boards harder and longer , they can " cut arc " without any problems. And if you think that your calling carving , carving and only - you need a narrow and rigid board that can keep on ice , but, alas, almost useless in powder snow . No perfection in the world ...

Use of lifts

Lifts are carload , the primer , chair , towing ( platter ) . The first two types - suspended on a cable of different sizes cab . If you have any problems with them - say alcohol and drugs "no ".

Slightly more complicated chairlift where the most difficult - approach and departure . Usually landing in a chair causes fewer problems than the landing . Here and useful " Samokatnaya " skating with unfastened rear foot. When planting , note that getting off the chair , you will need to roll away . Goofy easier to go left , regulars - right .

The biggest problem for novice snowboarders cause drag lifts , the so-called " mop " and " plates" (there is a rope with a hook that you want to cling manually, but there is no theory - just practice ) . When using the ski lift has to climb a long time on a flat board that is quite difficult and unpleasant. In addition, because the skiers on the slope ( and, accordingly, on the lift ) is greater rise accounted for two ski ruts that do not always go the way you want. Skiers will travel easily sticking stump or block of ice , passing it between the skis, or displaced to far away , on the same board to make such maneuvers impossible, so even experienced snowboarders , it happens, do not reach to the top of the climb. However, if you follow the track for lift , and it is increasingly common in our country , the ski lift does not cause any problems .

Learn to use rope tow better " Froggies " - and there slope position and speed is less.

Unfastened the back foot , step up to the landing place , which , ideally, should be smooth and have no bias. Install the board nose facing the back foot precede rear mounted on a special rubber feet , it is called " SEMF " , making sure to toe or heel shoes do not protrude beyond the edge of the board , expand the body half-turned back and wait for the approaching " mop " or "plate " . When she would be at arm's length , grab it and shove under the front foot . Goofy is easier to do with your left hand , regulars - right . Wait jerk , trying to soften his hand and displacement hull forward. After that, move your weight on the front foot and try to relax and have fun .

When driving on the ski lift , almost all of your weight will be on the front foot . Once you try to load the back foot board unfold tail forward and hooking snow front edge , stop. Your " plate" , meanwhile, would go on, leaving you to wallow in the snow.

Подъём на бугеле

The biggest problems when climbing on the ski lift causes misses boards to the ski track, if that is clearly expressed , bypassing obstacles to the movement of convex portions ( bridges ) . All this happens because when you run a flat board , it is almost impossible to control , and you will chat from side to side , following the board, repeating every bend relief. Significantly ease the plight possible if climb " mop " is not alone, and anyone else. This could be your brother - snowboarder , or better yet , if it is a skier or skier - who as luck . There is a subtlety : if " mop " while two people to lift , jerk get stronger , so at this point stick waist neighbor. Just be aware that until you gain experience , your board may accidentally collide with his skis or board, so it is best to choose someone familiar companions ... Two snowboarders easier to climb , if one of them Goofy ( going right) , and the second & ndash , regular (left ).

The easiest way to climb the "plates " with a curved handle. Straight handle all the time unfolds you as leaves under your feet is not straight forward , but at an angle . The smaller the angle of the bindings , the harder the climb the " plate" with a straight handle .

If while lifting you off balance , you can restore it using the free rear leg (again, " cooter " ), but note that the slowest lift moves at a speed that you can develop only run so putting your back foot on the snow , then you have to put a lot of effort to get her back on board .

If you fell on the rise, as quickly as possible to crawl to the side, not trying to get up . will get up on the sidelines, calmly , without haste and without worrying that someone you naedet .
< br />Upon reaching the top, pull yourself forward by the handle " mop " or " plates" hand and get off the lift . Immediately step aside so as not to disturb those who rise up after you . Note : Unlike the chairlift on the ski lift Goofy easier to go to the right, regulars - left .

Climb on the ski lift and can be strapped to the back foot , it seems someone is even easier. You can save a lot of time to fasten the mounts .

Falls and injuries

Prepare to be that while you learn, the fall will be the norm rather than the exception. You will often fall and diverse. Prevail will fall back on the coccyx , at least - forward on his hands. First, will fall due to unusually frigid feet due to improper stand , for fear of falling. These falls are not deliver you big problems , because you 'll know that fall and a little bit to this cook. These falls , rather , give the happy moments around than you trouble .

What is now the fall , you will understand later, when suddenly out of the blue and uncool place at low speed , your board suddenly do something , and you find yourself in the snow , unable to react, and even understand what happened . It's simple: you caught an edge , that is edging lower hooked snow . This is the most common cause of falls snowboarders , and regardless of the level of skating. For this reason, all fall , only one razuchivaya jump in three turns , and the other - a simple twist . Falling in this case turns out very quickly and unexpectedly . Falling forward can still manage to put up his hands, but a fall back in the best case falls on the tailbone , at worst - on its head. Do not be surprised : after the first days of class , you will hurt the entire body. Everything literally - from head to toe .

It is clear that after such a fall without injury is indispensable. Dominated by injuries with its consequences - the spectacular bruises wide variety of colors and shapes. Much less likely to happen sprains and fractures of hands. Feet - almost never. This compares favorably with snowboard skiing, where the injury is less , but they are much more serious .

Can you avoid injuries ? No, unfortunately . Even if you're lucky, and you will learn to perfect a soft slope, without mounds of ice and bare spots still your buttocks soon acquire a purple hue . Be prepared for this .

Сноуборд и травматизм

Can significantly ease the fate of using protection. This can be a special complex equipment for snowboarders , protecting virtually the entire body, or shorts , knee pads , elbow pads for skaters , bikers , or even hockey . Any protection will not be superfluous .

Of course, you will not ride on the pavement , but when it hits the ice - will not find . Well, a helmet , of course. If you have a brain , why not protect them ?

Speaking of brains , when you fall on the coccyx , very tough shot in the head is given , therefore, protecting the ass, you help protect the head .

Of active modes of protection, we advise the following:

  • Not ride on straight legs - above fall;
  • Not fall on straight arms;
  • keep fingers together;
  • during the fall of the chest should be concave back - wheel
  • not protrude from the diligence language.


Jacket, pants , hat , gloves , glasses - that's what you need for skiing . However, all this has some nuances , tailored to your chosen entrainment .

Better to have a jacket is not very short , always with the inner skirt with an elastic band or string to protect them from the snow. Sleeve cuffs should also be with the band. All these safety precautions are justified , since after each drop you shake the snow from wherever possible. It is desirable that the jacket had a hood - when falling snow that will not save , but in bad weather will help .

Pants for skiing should have protective padding of denser fabric on the knees and on the " fifth point " . Their goal is clear - to protect from frost is on what you sit more often. Better to buy baggy trousers . This is not a tribute to snowboard fashion, which takes place to be , but bare practicality : for wide pants in cold weather can put anything else for warmth , and if you use a reasonable and protection - the pants will not be a hindrance to her .

Very good alternative to pants and jacket - overall , at least , it protects from the snow much better, but the problem with regulators and some inconvenience practical sense , especially after visiting a pub , makes the clothes not the most attractive in the eyes of the public .

The presence of additional ventilation valves , pockets and zippers makes the clothes more comfortable, but significantly increases its value. The same can be said of tissues : the price of clothes may vary several times. Of course , the preference should be given to the membrane tissues and allows the body to breathe and do not absorb moisture inside, but it all depends on your ability to pay .

Hands should always be protected by gloves or mittens . First, from the cold , and secondly, from injury. Mittens preferable they warmer and fingers dislocate them harder. In any case it is not necessary to use the grandmother or the like knitted woolen mittens - they quickly get wet . Top mittens or gloves should be of waterproof fabric .

Hat - full play to your imagination. The main thing - that it was warm and not dumped in a light turn heads. And the fact that the incidence of any cap will fly off a few meters - make no mistake .



Board should be stored vertically or horizontally on the edge. Take care that the board was free and was nothing pressed . If in March, quit the board in every garage and fill up with junk , in October of it to get a decent shelf - no matter what else it will not fit .

Before you put the board on the long-term storage , it should be wiped and dried. In general, then, all these tips are superfluous, because the board to pay for a lot of money and throw it after six months in the garage or on the barn roof capable people advice not perceive at all. Normal person keeps the board in a house or apartment , away from sunlight and radiators . All of the above can be attributed to the shoes , with a small addition : take care that their inner shoe has not eaten mole or a mouse , and it happens quite often .

Sliding surface of the board is necessary to rub special ointments ( time -governmental different surfaces children ) , improving how voltage and preventing the buildup of snow. Kanta need to sharpen , and do it several times per season . On hard snow , especially on the ice, with blunt notches do nothing.

And that , and another operation that is usually combined , best left to professionals . Cost is relatively inexpensive. Trying to do it all by yourself without the proper experience can result in corrupt board and injured hands.



Look for an instructor! No tips and tricks, no manuals and training videos will not replace the simple phrase "Do as I do!" said a competent instructor. Money paid for a couple of lessons, save days and weeks, remain healthy and will not let you be disappointed in this wonderful hobby, which is snowboarding!

Осторожно - Чайник!


Most skiers irreconcilable reading the title , already choked with indignation and fight in a fit , the most frostbitten snowboarders , not reading to the end , ran an article showing friends , so hopefully with a book in his hands remained sober people ( figuratively ) and quiet ( in direct ) , is not that much concerned about the question " Which is better? " , but he is the same subject of some interest. Because all that is written below should be , as mentioned above , objective and impartial , I will not say on what ride itself - let it remain my secret .

The origin of the projectile wonderful snowboarding owes nothing to the infamous militarist invention Chukchi and Norwegians - he appeared as Aphrodite - of ocean waves , and already was originally created for rest , having no practical importance , since it is impossible to hunt or fight (I'd like to see how the system performs a remarkable snowboarders " Two Steps Forward " ) . Surprising that some people are intelligent human beings who are able to choose and with such a choice , still skiing - these remnants of the past .

What are skiing ? . Firstly , they can stand . Secondly - to walk. Third - to climb on the ski lift . Fourth - slowly roll over the smooth , gentle slope to the first turn and feel the master. And finally, stuck in the snow near a sunbed with the owner, look at pictures skiing really ...

The man who bought the ski (not a skier, and not even " tea " , just a man with skis ) , immediately begins to think that he will put " under lyzhiki " and where to go for a drive. The man who bought a wonderful shell snowboard immediately begins to think he will fall because of the stories of friends and not a very large literature, he already knows in advance that will fall a lot and constantly , and that no clothes will not save you from the snow in shorts , and no protection - rescued from the elbows and purple ass. He happily carries board home, catching himself looks of passers of the big city , but at home anxiously considering elbows , twisting his neck , back , secretly hoping to see it hidden snowboard talents to help manage small losses .

Do not be afraid , my friends - what you were talking about the fall , what you read - is nonsense . Do not be afraid to advance, because you will fall so they could not imagine even in a nightmare - you will block not only the declared beforehand ass and elbows, but the knees and hips, and the strange thing is the head. You will hurt your leg muscles , abdomen, biceps and triceps . Some times you bite my tongue . Board a couple of times to hit you in the nose (by the way , later , when you learn to ride , you will not repeat this trick for any money ) . That's when you and regret that they had bought a wonderful shell snowboard instead opted for fossil Chukchi devices . But patience , patience ... When the three-, four- snowboarders out of the wading pool , they were surprised to find that riding on an equal footing with the three - , four-year skiers , and in this lies the main secret of the wonderful shell snowboard : unusually rapid achievement of mid-level skating - days instead of years , to the same , with less physical effort. After all, we humans do not really like to work , especially relaxing and skiing started as a working tool all the time commanded us : "Work ! Work! " And snowboard shell is remarkable in that allows you to control yourself, especially without straining : body forward , body back , forward, backward, forward ... back ... ... forward ... ago ... Who can say that it's not nice ?

Reaching the average level , who for three years , who for three days , skiers and snowboarders are starting to ride on tracks one and come into direct contact, that does not add them to love each other . This is because the skis and boards are completely different shells and roll very differently .

Two skiers without problems go next , two snowboarders - also, but if the next one and keep the other , one of them immediately would be in a cell , and long will gather in snow skis , sticks and gloves .

People who have mastered a great shell snowboarding and released outside training slopes, usually do not know that on the slopes there are some rules of conduct invented followers Chukchi Vikings suitable to themselves but totally unacceptable for these dosochnikov . Judge for yourself: tired skier stops and rests tired snowboarder can not stand , so falls . Near falls boyfriend, girlfriend , another friend , and soon land slope reminds holidaymakers seal rookery that introduces skiers in hunting for excitement, and they crush , crush , crush . And who is to blame ? 'm Not tired snowboarders - that's for sure . Blame narrow slopes and cross-country skiers , who can not go around obstacles . Nedodavlennye rested revenge skiers snowboarders whiz with a terrible bang those just before the nose and pushing their hands free . This kindergarten is over, when it comes to experience and some skill, and goes into a verbal confrontation region, and these debates are still going on , despite the obvious advantage of remarkable modern projectile snowboard over the ancient invention of the Mesozoic era.

We have a dispute dosochnikov trump ace - virgin who wait like manna from heaven and that for the majority of skiers - an insurmountable obstacle . Another would be: Ski need with such frequency and amplitude to work the legs and body , that no forces will not suffice , and on the board - just clocked it surfaced and ... forward ... forward ... back ... back ... Do not you go - you fly, and under board spray , spray ...

But, unfortunately , in the mountains , in the liquid , snow and vapor , meets the fourth state of water - the ice on which antediluvian hunting boards behave much better wonderful shell snowboarding, skating , but then even better , so here skiing and not the first .

And now I , eyes closed , I say absolutely incredible thing: if you take the skier and dosochnikov level " super " and start throwing them from a helicopter on different slopes with different relief infinite number of times , the advantage will be the skier . Good skier will travel wherever will pass a good snowboarder , the opposite rule , unfortunately, does not work. It is not in centuries of experience - about ice I mentioned , and there is such a thing as the symmetry of movement (my term ), ie skiing anyway , where to go - left or right , and at the board there is a front edge and a rear edge , and no matter how well you go riding , the difference still is - on the front edge to ride comfortably . And finally : Ski walking a few steps , in particular, on the stones or just up and on a wonderful projectile snowboarding is very difficult to walk . But the discussion in this paragraph applies only to athletes , what one or two per thousand , and if throwing all , indiscriminately , snowboarders will return for dinner ten times more . And what interest scratching on the ice and on the rocks , that's over the snow ... but we have already talked about. It is time to conclude : if you think that it is able to grow to the level of skating Seb Michaud (there is a skier, good rides ) - buy skis, but first look at his film . See better with beer , especially not to get upset . If you only have pictures of some cafes where you , again, drink beer , his legs stretched out in unbuttoned shoes, and if you think that down on the cable car is not shameful - buy skis.

But if you want to roll in the fresh snow , almost touching his hand , leaving a smooth , beautiful arc , admiring the snow fireworks, as it hangs in the air after you - your choice - and a wonderful perspective shell snowboarding, on the merits which is a lot to say but it is better for him to get up, to suffer a few days and discover the world of beautiful people and pure snow ... etc. etc. - Speculation themselves . Finally, if you still are going to enter the world of beautiful people and pure snow - buy cotton briefs - will not be superfluous .

Герб бордера

ecole de ski