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Advices for good skiers

steep slope.

Start the turn with a head's movement

On the steep slope you need to ski more aggressively (see fig.). When you use your edges to reduce speed,put your weight on the downhill ski, qnd put down the chin(top). Your skis will be across the slope. At this step, the upper body should be facing the valley, and the sight is directed along the ski-tip set by the stick. When you straighten up, transfer your weight on the uphill ski, rise head, the skis go in the fqll line(second from top picture). Try to keep your skis the less time as possible in the fall line. Edge the ski and immediately bring them through the slope(third from the top figure). Again, tilt your head, ready to sink the edges in the snow. After a strong sharp cut in the snow(bottom figure). The head should be again placed facing the slope. The movements of the head will help to pull the shoulders and torso in the direction of next turn.

S. Campbell

on a steep slope put a stick brush

Many skiers believe that to put a stick across his hand - right. However, on steep slopes and mounds need to put a stick more closely with a brush. To put the stick in the right place on the slope, hand must be lifted and turned his hand forward. This will properly orient the stick down the slope (see fig.). When setting poles reject it back effort of the three lower fingers (left image). Avoid old-fashioned method of setting a stick through the motion of the whole arm forward and sideways (right image): the steep slopes of hills and it is inefficient.

B. D. Meyer

Think of a steep slope, as a friend

The next time when you look down a steep slope, do not panic and do not be nervous. Instead, think of the slope, as a friend, which is likely to come to your aid. Why? Because the steeper the slope, greater the angle formed with sliding surface skis. Slope automatically provides edging skis, while on a gentle slope, you should edge her, put the knee toward the mountain. The natural edging, occurring on a steep slope, use to perform a quick turn and control speed (see fig.).

K. Levin

correctly put a stick on a steep slope

Difficulties in riding on steep slopes, often associated with incorrect statement of the stick. If a stick placed too close to the ski sock or the body, it will prevent the movement of skis on steep arc of rotation. Since the steep slope it is important to quickly change direction, not to pose a stick may lead to a fall. To improve the technique of skiing on steep slopes, run a few runs, focusing on the formulation of a stick (see Fig.) Carry a stick in the direction of the body directly under the slope. Hold it vertically to the ring was located directly under the brush - in such a setting will not stick in the way of skiing. You feel that such a formulation sticks not only helps you to enter a turn, but also improves stability on a steep slope.

B. Westfeld

sure to stick to the formulation of the angle of inclination coincides with the angle of the valley foot

On the steep slope, which requires a strong angulation, skiers often forget about the hand. Need for a dynamic, aggressive staging sticks, and the type of rotation. To do this, make sure that the angle of the stick in front of her formulation coincides with the inclination of the valley feet. This will force you to take a correct stand (see Fig.).

J. Bowles

Perform continuous motion throughout the body

Many skiers, perform smooth, controlled turns on the gentle slopes, the transition to the steep slopes lose control and begins to «time worn». They forget that on steep slopes to avoid static postures and pauses between turns. In order to make the body continual movement, try the following exercise (see Fig.). Start your turn, and after crossing the line of slope valleys lowers his hand along the outside of leg rotation. It will help you gradually increase the angle edging and correctly complete the turn. Then try to perform a series of turns in the same rhythm, without stopping traffic all over.

T. Krontaller

To get rid of static poses, «drop a bomb»

Some skiers can not control the speed on a steep slope. They are frustrated with the edge and fall into a difficult position, as frozen in a static pose, when the situation calls for the movement and rhythm. To use the full amplitude of the movement in the performance of each turn, try the following exercise (see Fig.). Imagine that your pelvis - a bomb that falls during the rotation. When you enter the turn, start to whistle, imitating the whistle of falling bombs during this time your body is like falling. The bomb should not hit the target as long as you do not accept the lowest rack at the end of the rotation. At this point you're ready to take a breath and straightened up a new turn.

A. Witte

Perform anticipatory movement hips

Some skiers on steep slopes can not rotate quickly enough and as a result of developing too much speed between turns. The next time you find yourself on a steep slope, involving the hip. Just as you are anticipatory movement of the upper part of the body, practice and a similar move her hips. Turn the thighs like a «person» in the valley before each turn. Having mastered the anticipatory move your hips, you can perform on a steep slope more rapid rotations (see Fig.).

B. Baulin

Production sticks when performing quick turns

To learn staging sticks in the performance of quick turns, we recommend exercise «turns jumping frog» (see fig.). It allows you to feel like a stick stabilizes and helps maintain balance in the performance of small radius turns. This feeling is particularly necessary when riding on steep slopes and mounds of pulverized snow or sleet. When you run a small turning radius of the upper body remains a «person» in the valley, while the skis and feet move to the left and right, passing under it. To understand how this happens, perform jumps, taking his skis off the snow. Strongly turn ski hard, if the upper body also starts to rotate. To eliminate this rotation, use a stick. Please jump in, set off from the stick - it stabilizes the position of the upper body, and you can turn the ski much further. This exercise will help you learn the more aggressive turns on steep slopes.

J. Goss

ecole de ski